What is EFT Tapping?
EFT can help you create so much more freedom, love and abundance in your life. A tool with some impressive evidence in clinical trials, read more how it can help you…
Many of us find ourselves not living the life we desire. This can be due to beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us usually formed in our childhood; as well as from experiences we’ve had that we haven’t quite resolved. We can have positive experiences that led us to make beliefs about who we are such as “I am capable, it’s safe to try new things, I am loved”. We also can have negative experiences that lead to the beliefs “I am unlovable, it’s unsafe to fail, I’ll never be good enough”.
If unresolved, these beliefs and experiences manifest as emotions such as fear, anxiety, shame and guilt, and continue on to affect our relationships, health, career choices, financial potential, and what we think is possible for ourselves.
But here’s some good news. EFT has the ability to heal these. Making way for new beliefs and emotions that align with the life you want to create.
What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which you may know as tapping, is such an easy, safe and powerful tool to reduce uncomfortable emotions, fears, phobias, and release subconscious beliefs that no longer serve us. EFT works by tapping on specific acupressure meridian points on the face and upper body whilst expressing and talking through various events and emotions.
These pathways of energy or meridians help balance energy flow to maintain your health and well-being. However, when we experience trauma or aren’t able to process our emotions effectively, these energy pathways become blocked and can manifest as emotional and physical imbalance.
Some of these emotions and issues can resolve in one or two sessions, but more complex and multi-layered issues require a handful of sessions. But the fantastic thing is, when these issues are resolved, they’re more often than not, gone for good.
This is why EFT has been successfully researched on many individuals with PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety and depression.
These clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress - this is because EFT helps to rewire the brain.
As you tap on the specific points, calming signals are sent to the amygdala in the brain (fight/flight), and this allows the body and brain to release energy disruptions and limitations. Once reduced or removed, the body often rebalances itself, accelerating healing for the person. The results are very impressive, I’ve experienced them personally and observed them professionally.
What kinds of emotions, fears and limiting beliefs can EFT help with?
To be honest, the list is endless. EFT can be used for shifting acute emotions caused by a recent experience, or for healing emotions you’ve felt for years due to past traumas. Here are some examples:
ongoing anxiety, overwhelm, grief and sadness
fear and anxiety due to bothersome or traumatic memories
physical pain of many types - our emotional state is tightly linked to our physical body.
body image issues, feelings of discomfort or internalised shame
creative blocks, difficulty starting or finishing projects
fears or long term phobias - fear of spiders, heights etc
repressed anger, holding onto grievances from a specific incident
struggle to move forward from a relationship ending or loss
chronic fatigue, low motivation and mood
stress and overwhelm living with a chronic illness
exhaustion as a caregiver, parent or guardian
lack of confidence in professional situations
recurring emotional patterns in career or financial position
addictions, cravings
resentment and struggling to let go and forgive
chronic worry and obsessing
So, like many, you have a list of things you’d love to work on and improve in your life. You probably know the ones you want to address first.
Get in touch below and we can begin together, using EFT to safely and gently shift what's in the way of creating the life you desire - which is ultimately to feel more peace, love and freedom. We all could use more of that.