What is REIKI?

EFT can help people create so much more freedom, love and abundance in their lives.

What kinds of emotions, fears and limiting beliefs can EFT help with?

To be honest, the list is endless. EFT can be used directly for shifting uncomfortable emotions caused by a recent experience such as anxiety, overwhelm, grief and sadness; as well as emotions or fears that arise due to bothersome or traumatic memories. It can even be used for physical pain because our emotional state is tightly linked to our physical body. It is extremely common for an unresolved emotional issue to show up in the physical - presenting as back pain, skin rashes, digestive problems etc.

So, like many, you have a laundry list of things you’d love to work on and improve in your life. I suggest you write a few of these down and see which feels most important to start with. 

Then, get in touch below and we can start to work through that list together, using EFT to safely and gently shift what's in the way of you creating the life you desire.

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which you may know as tapping, is such an easy, safe and powerful tool to balance the energy system in the body to reduce uncomfortable emotions, fears, phobias, as well as completely heal subconscious beliefs that no longer serve us. 

A round of EFT consists of tapping on various acupressure points on the face and upper body whilst expressing and talking through various events and emotions. Some emotions and issues can resolve in one or two sessions, but more complex and multi-layered issues require a handful of sessions. But the fantastic news is, when these issues are resolved, they’re more often than not, gone for good.

This is why EFT has been successfully researched on many individuals with PTSD, chronic pain and ongoing trauma.

These clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.

Most of us find ourselves not living the life we desire. Often this is due to beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us, usually formed in our childhood. We have positive experiences that led us to make beliefs about who we are such as “I am smart, I am a good kid, I can play sport really well” etc but we also can have negative experiences that led to the belief “I am unlovable, I am ugly, I’ll always be hopeless, I have to work really hard for others approval”. 

If unresolved, these beliefs continue on into adulthood and affect our relationships, health, career choices, financial potential, how we communicate, and what we think is possible for ourselves.

But here’s some good news. EFT has the ability to shift these. Making way for new beliefs that align with the life you want to create.

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which you may know as tapping, is such an easy, safe and powerful tool to balance the energy system in the body to reduce uncomfortable emotions, fears, phobias, as well as completely heal subconscious beliefs that no longer serve us. 

A round of EFT consists of tapping on various acupressure points on the face and upper body whilst expressing and talking through various events and emotions. Some emotions and issues can resolve in one or two sessions, but more complex and multi-layered issues require a handful of sessions. But the fantastic news is, when these issues are resolved, they’re more often than not, gone for good.

This is why EFT has been successfully researched on many individuals with PTSD, chronic pain and ongoing trauma.

These clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.