healing & change starts with you

I’m guessing that you’re searching for new ways to address your anxieties, fears and ongoing stresses. This shows a level of commitment and openness to something different. You know deep down something needs to change. 

And it’s not another pill, potion or protocol.

Good news, you’ve come across a healing tool that works. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an effective method for creating genuine and lasting change.

EFT can change your life

In my 16 years as a health practitioner I can confidently say that EFT is one of the most effective tools that facilitates lasting change - and I’ve tried many.

EFT offers the potential to bring significant transformation to many areas of your life. I’ve helped people overcome fears and phobias, clear long-standing unresolved emotions such as anger, shame and guilt, relieve ongoing stresses, and create more energy and joy again.

Curious how EFT can help you?


“Melinda has helped me learn to trust my intuition and to set much needed boundaries. She has guided me through a number of challenges, for which I will be forever grateful. Her presence and gentle words are so nourishing to the soul you can’t help but feel like you are on cloud nine after just one session.”

Evette, mother of 4

“Melinda has been an enormous inspiration to me as I’ve been working my way through prerequisite coursework to get into medical school. I am so happy and ready to start on this adventure. I’m tearing up a little, as Melinda’s warm heart, generous help and great mind did truly inspire me to strike off on a different path, and I thank her for that.”

Lauren, Medical Student

“I credit Melinda for helping me regain freedom, energy and wellbeing; both physical and mental. She’s welcoming, honest and incredibly mindful of what is best for you… Melinda is the best!”

Gabrielle, Art Director

“I had a number of EFT sessions with Melinda working on some subconscious patterns and thoughts that had kept repeating and limiting my experience in both my career and relationships. I can’t speak highly enough of Melinda, the sessions were completely transformative.”

Ian, Creative Professional

About me

From naturopath to stylist to artist to EFT practitioner. It’s been a wild and unplanned journey the universe has guided me through. But it’s shown me that humans can do many things if we work through our limitations and get out of the way.

By healing the wounds within ourselves, we gain the freedom to move forward and live the life that we desire. A life that is calmer, more abundant and open to receiving love.

Follow on Instagram @melindakinghealing